Chiropractic for babies, children and teenagers is safe, effective and gentle. It is all about assisting them to function to the best of their ability.
Adjustments to babies and children are tailored to their size and needs. Chiropractic techniques used in our practice typically involve gentle fingertip pressure specific massage and stretches.
Spinal misalignments are very common in children as well as adults. They put unnecessary strain on spinal joints, discs, muscles and the nervous system. These misalignments can occur during the birth process, childhood falls, prolonged poor postures or simply due to the ever changing rate of their body development. Children these days also have more intense sporting and training regimes than in the past. Our chiropractors will undertake a physical examination to establish if chiropractic treatment is suitable or if a referral to your GP or other health practitioner is indicated. Advice on exercise, stretches or general health may also be given.